South Florida Pond Service, Logo
Phone Icon (561) 507-1852


A Variety of Pond Services to Meet Your Needs

South Florida Pond Service provides the very best pond maintenance and cleaning services in the Palm Beaches. It is our goal to make owning an ornamental pond easier on you. When you use our service, you won't have to deal with all the annoyances associated with owning a pond; instead, you'll just enjoy the sight of clean water and healthy plants and fish. While we are unable to remove amphibians from the environment, we are able to provide protection from birds and identify other problems such as poisonous plants, invasive roots, or acid rain. Our team will evaluate your overall pond system, including the pump and filter, to make certain that everything is functioning properly. Don't waste another second of your time fussing with filters and torn liners. South Florida Pond Service is ready to take over your pond-care routine today.

Pond Repair

Does Your Pond Look Like This? Then Maybe You should Give Us A Call.

Pond with overgrown roots
Pond with roots growing through the liner causing leaks
Concrete Repair
It is possible to make a strong repair to a cracked concrete pond

If your pond is leaking, cracked, or not running, we can help. At South Florida Pond Service, we specialize in servicing ornamental ponds, but are unable to provide service to natural, unlined ponds. We offer an expedient response time and will never charge hidden fees during treatment. Schedule an initial consultation today for $125, which will be applied to any work performed if you choose to work with us.

Does Your Pond Look Like This? Then Maybe You should Give Us A Call.

Pond Cleaning

Our standard pond cleaning service starts at $700; large or complicated ponds may be subject to additional fees. This service includes the safe removal of fish and plants as well as a thorough and detailed cleaning of the pond itself. Then, we will completely refill the pond and replace your fish and plants. During treatment, your fish are placed in a 250-gallon aerated container and will be treated with the utmost care.

Pond Maintenance

Weekly or bi-weekly maintenance service plans start at $70 per visit. This includes pH balance tests, monitor & correct salt & phosphate levels, beneficial bacteria and barley extract, plant care, and filter cleanings. We use all natural additives and will never use synthetic chemicals or algaecides during treatment.  Beneficial bacteria are the main method added to balance the water and provide algae control.

Fountain Pump Replacement

In addition to taking care of your ornamental pond, we'll also help you care for your fountain by replacing the pump when it breaks. This seemingly simple process can become quite frustrating to fountain owners, so let our experts provided the necessary repairs for you.

Larger Lakes, Ponds & Wetlands

For larger lakes, retention ponds, and wetlands management, please contact Clear Lakes Aquatic Weed Control by calling (561)-252-7219 or visit there website